Season 2, Episode 7: “Home on the Remains”
*** out of *****
“If I had anything at all in my stomach right now, I’d throw up.”
Moya’s out of food; or at least everyone on her is. They’re starving to the point of eating dentics. To make things worse, Zhaan’s launching out spores like a dandelion going to seed as part of her species’ automatic means to attract food. Not only are people allergic, but it’s causing Moya problems [1], and if Zhaan doesn’t get food soon she’ll go berserk and die. So that’s all swell, too.
Long story short, they need food fast, and just happen to be sailing by a dead creature the size of a small moon where Chiana knows some people. She’s got a plan, so we know that’s just going to go just great. [2]
It’s a decent, middling episode. There’s a great shot toward the beginning showing the scale of the budong that zooms in alllll the way down to individual people. Budongs is BIG. The plot on the budong is stronger than the plot on Moya with Zhaan, Aeryn and Pilot, but without the latter, the former would lose urgency. It’s a bit coincidental that Chiana’s contact/friend gets killed right as they arrive. The keeva isn’t the best creature this show has created. It looks like a something spawned from a threesome between a gorilla, a wolf, and a morlock…as portrayed by a guy in a suit. Then again, it’s not the worst creature this show has created, either.
This is a rough one for Chiana as she faces a place she once escaped. It genuinely sucks when Chiana’s friend gets killed. She just loses everybody, doesn’t she? When D’Argo kisses her, it seems to genuinely surprise her, perhaps not so much by the kiss as by it being part of his insistence that she’s safe. That’s really not something she’s used to, is it?
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Other Comments:
Zhaan spews out a LOT of spores if it’s going to damage Moya permanently.
Rygel bites John. John bites back.
[1] Given how allergic everyone seems to be, why does this ATTRACT people?
[2] Sorry, Chiana, but we had a plan that worked last episode, and I’m pretty sure you guys only get to have one of those per season…