Farscape is one of my favorite shows, hands-down. I’ve never seen anything on TV quite like it. It boasts incredible production values (with a few exceptions), complex characters who bleed, writers and actors who care, and the ability to turn regular sci-fi concepts on their ear. It also features some of the most amazingly expressive puppets that allow the show to go far beyond Star Trek’s usual wrinkly-forehead alien selection (no offense to Star Trek, but its strengths are elsewhere).
After recently running into this article on Tor.com where Emily Asher-Perrin calls it “one of the greatest science fiction series ever created,” I realized that it’s been a few years since I actually sat down and watched it. So, inspired by a rewatch thread of Babylon 5 on RPG.net, I’m going to attempt to do so and take you all along for the (possibly rambling and long-winded) ride. I’ll be rating on a purely subjective 5-star scale, including my favorite quote(s) of the episode at the start, and the final dialogue line at the end. So, without further ado, can I get a “HELL, YEAH?!”
Episode 8: “That Old Black Magic”
Episode 9: “DNA Mad Scientist”
Episode 10: “They’ve Got A Secret”
Episode 11: “Till the Blood Runs Clear”
Episode 12: “Rhapsody in Blue”
Episode 13: “The Flax”
Episode 14: “Jeremiah Crichton”
Episode 15: “Durka Returns”
Episode 16: “A Human Reaction”
Episode 17: “Through the Looking Glass”
Episode 18: “A Bug’s Life”
Episode 19: “Nerve”
Episode 20: “The Hidden Memory”
Episode 21: “Bone to Be Wild”
Episode 22: “Family Ties”
Episode 1: “Mind the Baby”
Episode 2: “Vitas Mortis”
Episode 3: “Taking the Stone”
Episode 4: “Crackers Don’t Matter”
Episode 5: “The Way We Weren’t”
Episode 6: “Picture If You Will”
Episode 7: “Home on the Remains”
Episode 8: “Dream A Little Dream”
Episode 9: “Out of Their Minds”
Episode 10: “My Three Crichtons”
Episode 11: “Look at the Princess, Part I”
Episode 12: “Look at the Princess, Part II”
Episode 13: “Look at the Princess, Part III”
Episode 14: “Beware of Dog”
Episode 15: “Won’t Get Fooled Again”
Episode 16: “The Locket”
Episode 17: “The Ugly Truth”
Episode 18: “A Clockwork Nebari”
Episode 19: “Liars, Guns, and Money, Part 1”
Episode 20: “Liars, Guns, and Money, Part 2”
Episode 21: “Liars, Guns, and Money, Part 3”
Episode 22: “Die Me, Dichotomy”
Episode 1: “Season of Death”
Episode 2: “Suns and Lovers”
Episodes 3 & 4: “Self-Inflicted Wounds”
Episode 5: “…Different Destinations”
Episode 6: “Eat Me”
Episode 7: “Thanks for Sharing”
Episode 8: “Green Eyed Monster”
Episode 9: “Losing Time”