Ain’t nobody but Nobody that irritates a cyclops more than Percy Jackson! It’s time for part 14 of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters…
Archives for February 2015
Movie Review: Kingsman: The Secret Service

Look, if you have any sense of fun in you at all, just go see this movie.
WHAT DID I JUST WATCH?!?! Did this movie just– OH MY GOD!
That’s a summary of what went through my mind during much of Kingsman: The Secret Service, and I mean that in a very good way, because holy shit, this movie was fucking insane and I loved every single minute of it. SEE IT! [Read more…]
Enter to win an autographed copy of Zeus Is Dead!
Are you on Goodreads? Do you like things that have been autographed? Have you ever wanted to drive a Lamborghini??? Then enter to win an autographed copy of Zeus Is Dead: A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure!
The winner will be drawn* on February 27th!
(Oh, and the Lamborghini thing? It’s got nothing at all to do with this contest. I was just curious and didn’t know how to find out otherwise.)
*That’s “drawn” as in “picked.” Winners will not be sketched.
Farscape Rewatch: “A Clockwork Nebari”
Season 2, Episode 18:
“A Clockwork Nebari”
***1/2 out of *****
“It’s going to be more real THAN real. It’s going to be super-3D Smell-O-Vision in Sensurround!”
It’s our first new Nebari sighting since Chiana’s introduction, and now they’re swarming Moya, injecting people’s optic nerves with pacifying drugs, trying to take over the galaxy, and just plain making all of us terribly uncomfortable. [Read more…]
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters – Ch 13

Everyone with triskaidekaphobia may sit this one out.
Okay, so I really just like to say “triskaidekaphobia.”
Do you ever get a song stuck in your head that you just can’t seem to get rid of unless you jump overboard, swim through a minefield, and drown yourself? Then you’ll be able to relate to the events in the next chapter of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters…
Annabeth Tries to Swim Home
I’ve been to the Black Lodge… (Review)
…and it was funny.
But let me back up. If you’ve read this blog long enough, you know I love Twin Peaks. I was introduce to it in college, I introduced other people to it, I’ve been to Snoqualmie Falls multiple times, and I’m even a graduate of Twin Peaks High School (a.k.a. Snohomish High School, a.k.a. the school they used when filming Fire Walk With Me). You may also know that I like improv comedy. So when I heard about Seattle improv comedy theater Unexpected Productions putting on a show celebrating Twin Peaks, I grabbed a ticket faster than a one-eyed lady can put up silent drape-runners. [Read more…]
Farscape Rewatch: “The Ugly Truth” (spoilers)
Season 2, Episode 17:
“The Ugly Truth”
**** out of *****
“We should just execute all of you. Then we could be sure the guilty party was punished.”
It’s been almost half a year since the last post in my Farscape Re-watch series, and part of the reason for that is that writing up this particular episode in a way that did it justice was a daunting task. I kept putting it off while working on other things (including writing and reading the Percy Jackson series for the first time) until the immediate memory of it wasn’t as fresh. I suppose that’s even fitting for this episode, come to think of it. [Read more…]