Archives for March 2015
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters – Ch 17
Whenever anyone travels to Miami these days, I secretly hope they’ll run into Michael Weston and the rest of the Burn Notice crew. That doesn’t happen to Percy Jackson, but some other stuff does. It’s time for part 17 of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters…
We Get a Surprise on Miami Beach
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters – Ch 16
A cyclops that just won’t die, and a daughter of Ares that just won’t shut the **** up! All this and more (though not too much more) on the sixteenth part of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters…
I Go Down with the Ship
So this one’s a pretty short chapter, which now makes me feel a little badly about taking so long to get this post up. (Sorry. I’ve been busy with preparations for the A Memory in the Black re-release.) It’s nearly all action, so it moves quickly, as will this post. [Read more…]