The adventuring party is reunited, a quest is completed, and everything is not okay. Must be time for the seventeenth chapter of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Battle of the Labyrinth…
Archives for February 2016
My Lightsaber Arrives!
As I mentioned previously, I recently made one of those Big Life Purchases: I bought a lightsaber. I promised to bring you more details and show it off when it arrived, and finally, I am bringing!
The saber, a modified “Dark Menace” model from Ultrasabers, arrived in a long, slim box, ensconced in bubble wrap, with the blade already attached. I’m happy to report that UltraSabers had charged the batteries as well, so I was able to light that sucker up right out of the box without having to be patient any further. They also included the battery charger and little hilt display stand I’d asked for. The special silver pommel I’d ordered to swap out the stock Dark Menace pommel had already arrived, so I swiftly attached that.
Excerpt: The Highly Capable by Jayme Beddinfield
Today on Geek Notes, I’m happy to host an excerpt from the first chapter of a new YA novel by my fellow author Jayme Beddinfield, titled The Highly Capable. Read on for more about this new book, and check out the end for a Rafflecopter giveaway! -Michael
The Highly Capable
Jayme Beddingfield
What would you do if you could control objects with your mind?
Would you be able to choose between right and wrong?
Eighteen-year-old Ruby Dawson was born with the powers to move things with her mind. She thought she was the only one of her kind until she met Tristan-a self-destructive drug addict and a crew of super-powered thieves. Working in the shadows, the crew follows their fire conjuring leader, Madison, as they descend further and further into the world of organized crime.
Ruby finds herself in a whirlwind of wrong decisions, lies, murder, and realizations she isn’t ready to face. As Ruby watches Tristan disappear further into his drug addiction and her team fight for more money and territory, she struggles with who she has become. Can Ruby walk away from the closest thing she has to a family and be the hero she is actually meant to be? [Read more…]
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Battle of the Labyrinth – Ch 16
Rachel nabs a limo, Annabeth gets left behind again, and Percy’s smart enough to run away after he fulfills the title of this sixteenth chapter of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Battle of the Labyrinth, which is…
I Open a Coffin
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Battle of the Labyrinth – Ch 15
Daedalus is found at long last, Nico gets to kick some ass, and I turn out to be so very wrong about something. All this and a wee bit more in Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Battle of the Labyrinth, Chapter 15, known by some as…
We Steal Some Slightly Used Wings
XCOM 2: First Impressions

Meanwhile, in the alternate universe where you lost the war…
So at long last, Firaxis released XCOM 2 last night, and I’m here to report my first impressions of what–so far–feels like a worthy successor to the original. (Or, rather, the remake of the original, if you want to get really technical about it.) I’ve only had a chance to play a little, but what I’ve seen is fantastic. For the moment, I’m selflessly taking a break from it to give you my first impressions. Aren’t I wonderful?
So, I Bought a Lightsaber…
That’s right, I’ve made what’s arguably my geekiest purchase ever: I now own a lightsaber. Or, at least, a reasonably convincing facsimile of one. I’m sorry to say that it will not actually slice through walls, speeder bikes, or tauntauns. On the other hand, given how often I accidentally cut myself with mundane items, that’s probably for the best. Still, this sucker could probably break a bone or two if swung hard enough, so it may still be ideal for home defense. [Read more…]