Today I’ve got a bit of fun to share with you! It’s an excerpt from author Tiffany Pitts’s light-hearted–yet simultaneously deadly–Seattle-based sci-fi adventure novel Wizzy Wig. (Wow, I used all my hyphens in that sentence, huh?)
You might remember my review of Wizzy Wig just a few months ago, which included positive statements like this:
Pitts writes with a uniquely delightful literary voice. Her particular brand of contemporary sci-fi adventure somehow manages to present life-and-death situations alongside blithe imagination in a way that often seems to look askance at reality as if to say, “Really, reality? Really?”
I’m not sure if I’m making sense here, so to sum up my opinion more concisely: Wizzy Wig is a fun sci-fi read that’s certainly worth your time. Especially if you like cats. And strong characters of any gender. And reality-bending pizza.