Well, Zeus Is Dead officially launched one week ago today, and it’s off to a great start. I couldn’t have done it without the help of the Zeus Is Dead Launch Team, a group of volunteers who received an advance reader e-copy of the novel in exchange for posting an honest review and helping to get the word out about the novel online.
I’d like to recognize them here.
The Zeus Is Dead Launch Team
(Full names/website are listed where they’ve given permission.)
Alex P.
Alexandra C.
Alicia E.
Becca W.
Bill K.
Brenda H.
Cain S. Latrani
Chad C.
Charlotte Ashlock
Chris W.
Cris M.
Cynthia O.
Elizabeth Beech
Grant A.
Hans P.
Ivan S.
John J.
Johnny T.
Joseph T.
Kenny M.
Lori C.
Mary Sheetz
Matt Dallinson
Megan C.
Melissa H.
Nic M.
Paul W.
Petrina C.
Steven Michael “Rocky” Woodman-Dix
Storm D.
Tom B.
Will B.
Launch Celebration Event!
Speaking of the launch, I also want to thank everyone who came out to the Seattle geek-haven that is the Wayward Coffeehouse last Saturday night for the launch celebration. It was also my first ever public reading. I confess I stumbled a little as I introduced the book. It took me a while to get comfortable. (I don’t think I’ve spoken in front of that many people since college!) But it turned out okay – people laughed in the right places, clapped at the end, and lined up to buy the book!
During the signing, I realized: Wow. I have terrible handwriting!
Thank you to everyone who came out to support me, and I’d like to give a special shout-out to my fellow Booktrope authors who attended: Tiffany Pitts and Camela Thompson!
It was an unforgettable honor!