But the technology cannot yet create a snazzier logo. Sorry.
But the technology cannot yet create a snazzier logo. Sorry.
Best logo I could do on short notice. I’m not made of logos, people!
Using high-tech quantum-tunneling equipment that has both the ability to burrow into an alternate universe AND make high-quality gelato, I am now able to open up a wormhole just stable enough to allow what you and I consider to be “fictional” characters into the Geek Notes studios so that I can a) interview them about their particular perspectives in a story, b) harvest their alternate-world energies to fuel my ever-growing army of robotic ninja giraffes, or c) both.
Please note: This highly sensitive, secret, and ludicrously expensive technology will never be used to interview my own characters. Heavens no. (There’s a 10% chance each time that the subject’s atoms will be annihilated at the sub-atomic level, and then not only have I got a mess of quarks and bosons all over the place–which do NOT come out of the carpet easily–but the character can no longer be used in any future works of fiction, and I’m not about to risk that with one of MY characters.)
So today I’m pleased to offer you the first ever Geek Notes Character Interview! Let’s all welcome him here to the blog and admire his pretty fur. His name is Toesy. He’s from the Thanatos Rising series by author Tiffany Pitts, and he’s not exactly human… [Read more…]