Look! There’s someone else besides me writing on Geek Notes! That must mean it’s time again for a Guest Geeks post! (That, or the blog has been usurped by North Korean hackers, I suppose.) This week my guest geek is Sheri Williams, who comes to share with us a little about her obsession with Doctor Who. I was a bit of a latecomer to the show myself, and–
Well, maybe I’ll save that for my own post sometime. I’ll simply say that Tennant’s Doctor is my favorite (I also think he’d make a great Hermes if Zeus Is Dead ever becomes a movie), and yield the floor to Sheri…
It’s time again for the blog series where I let other geeks do the work while I sit back and be a gracious host! Today on Guest Geeks, author and filmmaker William D. Prystauk joins us to talk about the behind-the-scenes world of putting together a film. Please make William (call him Bill) feel at home, and help yourself to the canapes and chocolate-covered bacon…
I’m pleased to announce a new feature here on Geek Notes that you’ll be seeing from time to time. It’s Michael Delegates Work! Er, wait. No, that’s probably not a good title. It’s called Guest Geeks! (Guest Geeks? Is that a good title? I’m bad at titles. Let’s just stick with that for now.) Every once in a while I’ll be posting an article from a fellow geek that they’ve written exclusively for Geek Notes in exchange for the safe return of their loved ones purely for your enjoyment!
Without further yammering, it’s time for me to kick my feet up and turn things over to the very first Guest Geek post. Please welcome author and geek Jonathan Gould…