Season 1, Episode 18: “A Bug’s Life”
***1/2 out of *****
“Under the circumstances, those commandos are primed to shoot at anything they do not trust. The only thing that is over is our chance to take them buy surprise. This is a disaster, Crichton. It is a grave misfortune that uniform did not fit me.”
When Moya encounters a Peacekeeper marauder with no affiliation with Crais, John masquerades as a PK captain and winds up having to deal with a body-jumping intelligent virus while maintaining a fake accent[1].
This episode does what Farscape so often does: take a classic sci-fi premise and inject its own Farscapian twist: while the virus itself is pretending to be someone it isn’t, so to are most of Moya’s crew. It’s a double-ruse that creates a nice bit of additional flavor until it finally falls apart and everyone is shouting with guns pointed at each other.
That said, while it’s above-average and certainly one of the better eps of the season, it doesn’t blow me away. It’s serviceable, it works, it’s fun, and it’s a major element in setting up the rest of the series due to a single stroke of a knife, but on it’s own? I can’t ever get too excited about it.
I think part of the reason is I never quite buy the whole “intellent virus” concept. I realize this is likely unfair of me, given all that I DO buy in the course of watching this series, but it bugs me[2] just enough to put me off a little. Besides, if all it needs to lay a million spores is an hour inside a single host, how is it possible that it never had an hour at any point prior to when Larraq’s group caught up to it?
“Nerve” is next. And those of you familiar with the series all know what that means…
Last line:
“Why would I ever mention it?”
Other Comments:
I’ve seen this ep a few times, but I honestly didn’t remember the commandos all jumping out of the marauder like they do at the beginning. Nifty.
You know, it’s entirely possible that none of the rest of the series would have ever happened if it weren’t for Chiana. No Chiana, no key to the box. No key to the box, no virus escape, no Aeryn being stabbed, no need to go to the gammak base, no meeting Scorpius…
[1] John, not the virus. Well, the virus, too, come to think of it.
[2] No pun intended.
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