Season 2, Episode 4: “Crackers Don’t Matter”
****1/2 out of *****
“What the hell is this?”
“Heat-deflecting paste. You’ll burn up in there without it.”
“Smells like puke.”
“I pre-digested it to increase it’s potency.”
“It’s PUKE?!”
And here we have quite possibly the weirdest, most fun, most disturbing Farscape episode so far. It’s never a good sign when people are crawling across the ceiling.
A blind-ish fly-man thing by the name of T’raltixx comes aboard promising to make modifications that will help Moya hide from the Peacekeepers and winds up driving everyone insane as part of a plan to…get a bunch of light. (I confess, I never quite bought the whole “my species needs light!” thing. What, he can’t just go out and buy a whole crapload of floodlights?)
As I said, this is a fun episode. Clearly the actors were having a ball getting to explore their characters going crazy. John and Aeryn arguing with pulse pistols, Pilot getting anti-social and twitchy[1], Harvey making his debut before he even officially existed[2], and, well, that disturbing scene between John and Chiana in the passageway. And in what other episode do we get to see John dressed up in a cape with a sword and shield and covered in puke?
Last line:
“Hey Zhaan. How do we take it all back?”
“I don’t know.”
Other Comments:
I’m still hating Zhaan’s outfit.
Aren’t pulsars supposed to, ya know, pulse? I could be wrong about this, but…
[1] Creepy, really. Kudos to the puppeteers.
[2] “Kill her! Then we’ll have pizza! And margarita shooters!”
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