Okay, so I didn’t make my previously stated goal of updating this thing EVERY Thursday, but I did make my self-imposed June 30th deadline for finishing the first draft of Legacy of Memory. I still need to run it all through my assembled reading group to see what they think, not to mention do a lot of polishing that I see the need for already. There’s a few continuity issues that need ironing out as well, and one or two things I just want to develop a little more.
One example: There are two female characters in LoM, Caitlin (whom readers will recognize from A Shadow in the Flames) and a new character. There are definite parallels between them in terms of a situation they’re both dealing with, and I want to do a better job of contrasting the different paths they take.
One of my readers is currently 2/3rds of the way through it; I did something that surprised the heck out of him and, in his view, upped the stakes for the characters in a way the reader really feels. I love trying to do stuff like that, and it’s a fantastic feeling to know I’ve managed to pull it off.
So there’s an ending now, and I’m even fairly certain (no bets, though) that the last paragraph will remain completely untouched in the editing process. (I’m tempted to quote the whole paragraph verbatim here, since it’s a line of dialogue from a character the reader hasn’t seen talk much that I think really gives an exciting punch to the very end–there will, of course, be a third and final book–but I don’t want to spoil anyone. …Actually, that’s not true, I DO want to spoil people, but I know I’d regret it. But hey, I’m excited about it!)
As for the whole “every Thursday” blog thing, I’m actually having some alternate ideas for just how this blog will be developing, but I’m still working on that. Be sure to check back soon to see what happens…
Michael G. Munz
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