It’s time for guest star Ted Raimi!
Also, the moon in this episode is half full! Again!
The Re-Watch
Stupid Bobby Plan #5: Taking advantage of the Beautiful People’s Conspiracy by entering Shelly into the Miss Twin Peaks pageant.

Well hi there, Mr. Dugpa!
Or wait, maybe that’s a Jedi?
As I’ve said, I don’t much like John Justice Wheeler and his tucked in sweaters. Even so, I do like the moment that he and Cooper share at the Great Northern lounge. After my first couple of viewings, I got the sense there might be meant to be even more here than what’s on the surface. In the Autobiography of Dale Cooper, if I remember correctly, it’s mentioned that Cooper has a long-lost(?) brother who was possibly in South America. Given that that’s where John has to go back to after getting his telegram about a friend being murdered, I wonder if a) his friend is Cooper’s brother or–and this was my original theory, but I think I’m leaning more toward the first one now–Wheeler IS Cooper’s brother and it’s just been so long that they don’t recognize each other.
Oh, and then this happens:

Windom Earle killed Ted Raimi. That means Sam Raimi’s going to come looking into his brother’s death, and you know who goes everywhere Sam Raimi goes? Bruce Campbell! (Geez, wouldn’t that be a weird crossover?)
Favorite Moments:
Bobby’s reaction to Mike’s whisper after asking, “Do you have any idea what the combination of sexual maturity and superhuman strength can result in?”
Least Favorite Moment:
Well hey, it’s Donna again! This time she’s snotty to both her parents at dinner.
Weirdest Moment:
The silhouette of the dugpa(?) with the half-moon and the owl.
Favorite Lines:
“Hey, man? The story’s cool. But you promised me beer!”
“I’ve got four hungry lawmen out in the cruiser. We. Need. DONUTS.”
“At first we thought it was a bomb. We don’t exactly have a bomb squad, so Andy brought his metal detector.”

Sparkwood & 21 traffic light count: 7
Waterfall close-up shot count: 13
Windblown trees shot count: 16
How’s Annie: She’s fine.
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