Back in Haggett Hall, we watched the final two episodes together. It was an event (unofficially), with the biggest gathering we’d had for an episode watch ever. All of the people on the floor who knew we’d been watching the show wanted to come by for the finale, which they all knew was extra trippy.
See, on Netflix now, and on the DVDs, the final two episodes are separate, but back in the day, as we watched from Nick’s tapes recorded off of broadcast TV, it was one big episode. My biggest memory, at least for this first half, was being frustrated with how much time they were spending on the performances in the Miss Twin Peaks pageant. I kept thinking, “There’s only two hours left! Get back to Windom Earle! Get back to BOB and Cooper and Major Briggs! Get back to the Black Lodge stuff! I want some things explained!”
Did I mention that Nick was getting his revenge for making him tell me who killed Laura Palmer? He did not tell me how the whole show ends…
The Re-Watch
After Leo releases Major Briggs, Windom leaves him in the cabin biting on a string that keeps a cage of tarantulas from falling on his head. Except the thing is, tarantulas aren’t venomous. So is this a case of a TV show misusing tarantulas as a stand-in for big scary venomous spiders, or a particularly clever way Windom Earle came up with to torture Leo because he’s too out of it to realize he’s not really in any danger from the spiders?
Coop and Annie sleep together. It starts out with Cooper trying to help Annie with her speech, but that lasts all of 20 seconds before he makes a move.
Catherine, Andrew, and Pete finally break into the last box from Eckhart with the help of some bullets and find a key.
Cooper and Windom Earle both figure out how to open the doors to the Black and White Lodges, Lucy picks Andy to be her child’s father (and I’m shuddering just to think about…something from the revival series), and Annie wins Miss Twin Peaks, getting promptly kidnapped by Windom Earle masquerading as the Log Lady.
Favorite Moments:
Windom “Fake-Log Lady” Earle clocking Bobby with his firewood.
Least Favorite Moment:
Donna hassling her parents again about the Ben Horne thing. Donna hassling Ben Horne about the Ben Horne thing.
Pretty much the entire Miss Twin Peaks pageant, with the exception of Audrey’s speech, which at least has a little subtext.
Weirdest Moment:
Windom Earle and his funky black mouth.
Favorite Lines:
“Sheriff? Could the 4-H Club have anything to do with all of this?”
“Doubtful, Andy.”
Things I noticed for the first time:
This is more wondering for the first time than noticing, but did Cooper use protection with Annie? What if Cooper has a son in the revival?
Sparkwood & 21 traffic light count: 8
Waterfall close-up shot count: 13
Windblown trees shot count: 17
How’s Annie: She’s Miss Twin Peaks! Also kidnapped.
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