It’s here! My latest comedic fantasy, Zeus Is Undead: This One Has Zombies is published and available today! It’s taken me far longer than I would have liked to get this book out there, but I’m pleased it’s finally ready for you. It’s definitely something I can be proud of.
But just in case any of you are new here, perhaps I ought to answer the question of just what, exactly, is Zeus Is Undead?
I’m glad you asked, hypothetical person!
Zeus Is Undead: This One Has Zombies is the long awaited sequel to Zeus Is Dead: A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure, which is my best-reviewed and, until today, personal favorite novel. It’s a return to the same warped, wild, fourth wall-breaking world where the Greek gods re-emerged in the present day to bask in mortal adoration and make general asses of themselves. The story picks up a year and a half after the events of Zeus Is Dead and centers around Athena and her quest to reclaim her lost divinity. Along the way, she’ll deal with vindictive fellow Olympians, smart-alecky mortals, long-dead rivals, dangerously-thrown packages of rosemary crisps, and a tiny little worldwide zombie apocalypse.
Old favorites from Zeus Is Dead are back, like Thalia, Apollo, Leif, Tracy, and many others (it is a sequel, after all)! You’ll also get to know Melpomene (Muse of tragedy, horror, and children’s books), Iris (goddess of messengers, rainbows, and glitter), and Ryan Seth Sloude (an ex-Ninja Templar with a sword far sharper than his wit). There are others, of course, but saying more would spoil all the surprises!
Early reviews are so far quite positive:
“Zeus Is Undead is a perfect example of Munz’s skill as an author, his creation of a fun, engaging story filled with groaner jokes and characters who know they are in a story.” –2 Book Lovers Reviews
“If you want to exercise all the laughs in your repertoire from titters to BWAH-HA-HAs, pick up Zeus Is Undead.” –Jody Lynn Nye, author of View from the Imperium and co-author of Myth Adventures of Aahz and Skeeve
“Expect the unexpected, and be prepared for a fast-paced adventure that takes nothing seriously!” –Don Meyer, Amazon reviewer
“An incredibly fun time, with fourth wall breaking Muses. A worthy sequel to Zeus is Dead.” –D. Cary Begole, Amazon reviewer
“A witty and entertaining adventure into the world of geeks, Greeks and undead freaks. It puts the Zing! back in Zombie Killing!” –Tiffany Pitts, author of the Thanatos Rising series
And did I mention that it’s out today in ebook and paperback versions?
Grab yours now at Amazon, Kobo, Nook, or iTunes!
Incidentally, if you or anyone you know and care deeply about hasn’t read Zeus Is Dead, the ebook versions are just 99 cents this week in honor of the Zeus Is Undead release! So, to quote the adorable Funzo toy from The Simpsons, “Why not get three?”
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