Are you going to be in Seattle on Friday, October 24th and looking for something awesome to do? Head to the Fred Wildlife Refuge (note – not an actual wildlife refuge) in the heart of Capitol Hill for the first Intergalactic Halloween Ball!
Brought to you by the excellent geek-folk at and Seattle-based musician Aradia (whose geek credentials I can personally confirm), this will be an incredible Halloween party for everyone who loves sci-fi, fantasy, comics, steampunk, and just about anything else of a geek nature you can name! (I suggested they call it “Halloween Geek Bash 2014,” but admittedly I only thought of that suggestion after they’d picked a name. I also suggested the name “Irving,” but that would’ve just been ludicrous.)
In addition to the music, costumes, secret unannounced stuff, and general fun, a certain author you might know will also be there signing books for a small portion of the night. But mostly I’ll just be wandering around dressed like a zombified Tony Stark. Or, at least, that’s the plan…
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