Today I’m happy to host a cover reveal by author D.M. Cain, a previous guest geek here on the blog! The dark, gritty psychological thriller The Phoenix Project undergoes a makeover in the brand new Booktrope edition. It’s completely re-edited and re-designed, and features this stunning cover by the talented Amalia Chitulescu, with whom I’ve had the pleasure of working as well. Have a look!
It’s Wednesday (or at least it is when this post is going up–the space-time continuum is confusing sometimes), which has come to mean it’s time for another Guest Geek post! This week’s guest is fellow gamer and sci-fi writer D.M. Cain. D.M. LOVES the Final Fantasy franchise, and you can believe she’s come here to make sure we all know just how awesome it is. I have to admit, being primarily a PC gamer, that I’ve only played the first two games in the series back in the NES days. (Yes, I’m old.) After reading this, it looks like I’m going to have to see what I can find for my PS3…