Now I know it’s been a while since I’ve done a geek-related Top 5 list here, but I hadn’t realized it was over a year! Where has the time gone? (Why haven’t I finished A Dragon at the Gate yet?!) I wanted to return to the format, and with Star Wars: The Force Awakens now under two weeks away, what better time than to do a list related to Star Wars? I’m putting my own special (read: weird) twist on this one, so make way for my list of…
Top 5 List: Recent PC Games
It’s been far too long since I’ve posted another geek-related Top 5 list, and I aim to fix that. (Given that you’re reading this, I suppose my aim turned out pretty well.) Way back when I started this series, I began with the Top 5 PC Games of all time, many of which were quite old. Yet I cannot live in the past (at least not until I work out the kinks in my homemade flux capacitor), and so today’s list will be…
Top Five PC Games of the Last Five Years
As with all of these lists, this is only my own opinion. I haven’t played every single game that’s been released, and my tastes are sometimes a bit odd. You’ll find no MMOs on this list, and–much to the surprise of some, I’m sure–no Bioshock: Infinite. (I liked the original Bioshock, and Infinite’s story was interesting, but its gameplay just didn’t hold my interest for whatever reason. I know, I’m a dirty heathen.) So without further babbling, and in no particular order, let’s do this thing. [Read more…]