Back in Haggett Hall, we watched the final two episodes together. It was an event (unofficially), with the biggest gathering we’d had for an episode watch ever. All of the people on the floor who knew we’d been watching the show wanted to come by for the finale, which they all knew was extra trippy.
See, on Netflix now, and on the DVDs, the final two episodes are separate, but back in the day, as we watched from Nick’s tapes recorded off of broadcast TV, it was one big episode. My biggest memory, at least for this first half, was being frustrated with how much time they were spending on the performances in the Miss Twin Peaks pageant. I kept thinking, “There’s only two hours left! Get back to Windom Earle! Get back to BOB and Cooper and Major Briggs! Get back to the Black Lodge stuff! I want some things explained!”
Did I mention that Nick was getting his revenge for making him tell me who killed Laura Palmer? He did not tell me how the whole show ends… [Read more…]