IGN Review: Pillars of Eternity
Hi everybody – I’m overdue for another post, both on the Farscape Rewatch and Michael Reads Percy Jackson front. Things have been busy preparing for the blog tour for the New Aeneid Cycle re-release, ECCC 2015 this weekend, and Norwescon the next.
I hope to have something new up soon, but in the meantime, take a look at this IGN video review of the just-released Pillars of Eternity. If you’re like me, you consider Baldur’s Gate 2 and Planescape: Torment some of the best PC RPG experiences ever, and the people behind PoE would seem to agree with us. As the IGN reviewer says, it “feels like Neil Gaiman is playing dungeon master.”
I haven’t had time to actually PLAY this yet, but I’m anxious to dive into it.
Game Review – Dragon Age Inquisition (Part 2 – the Good!)
So now that I’ve sounded like a fountain of negativity to rival Yahtzee (but without the animation and deadpan hilarity) in part one of my full Dragon Age Inquisition review, it’s time for me to say what I actually liked about the game. There’s a lot to cover. [Read more…]
Game Review – Dragon Age Inquisition (Part 1 – the Bad)
Time flies. It’s been over a month since I posted my “first impressions” review of Dragon Age Inquisition, and I’m still playing it! Granted, I haven’t been playing it non-stop. Work, writing, blogging, reading, sleep, and the necessity of interacting with other human beings have to get some time, too. Yet I’ve logged over 80 hours with my human archer (ROGUE) known as Hobbes, so it’s time to say how the game holds up after my initial look. [Read more…]
Gaming: Rebel Galaxy
Long, long ago, in the before-time, I got my first computer. It was 1990, and on my birthday my parents presented me with a state-of-the-art PC. It had an Intel 286 chip that could run at the whopping speed of TWELVE MEGAHERTZ! That was fast, for the time. It had no mouse, because the operating system was text-based (MS-DOS). It had no hard drive, because the OS booted into RAM from a floppy disk. A 5.25″ floppy disk. The monitor? 14 inches of amber monochrome awesome! It had a word processor, but being a 15 year old boy, I primarily used it for games. [Read more…]