Shadows on the Sound Podcast: Evil AIs and Me
Artificial Intelligence is slowly becoming a reality. Perhaps the Singularity is even next week. Sci-fi is filled with artificial intelligences that were born evil, turned evil, or had evil thrust upon them. A Memory in the Black, the second book in my sci-fi/cyberpunk series, introduces the A.I. known as Suuthrien. Whether or not Suuthrien is truly evil is just something you’ll have to wait and see about in A Dragon at the Gate, but the wonderful geeks Camela and Z.D. over at the Shadows of the Sound podcast invited me, along with another entity known only as Archangel, to discuss the concept of evil A.I., and things like what sort of loopholes can you find when determining what causes “harm” to us human-type meatbags.
So head on over to Shadows on the Sound and have a listen, before the metal ones come for you…
Upgrade Your Story Podcast
Last week I had the pleasure of chatting with’s Ally Bishop (and, briefly, her dog) about writing, comedy, and Zeus Is Dead: A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure. The interview went up the Upgrade Your Story podcast yesterday.
Head on over there and have a listen!

Click my noggin to go to Upgrade Your Story and hear why I said, “I’m sorry I killed that guy.”
The Super Awesome Geek Show!
So this week I had my second ever podcast interview. (Click here if you missed the first one.) This time I got to hang out with John Adams, who runs the Super Awesome Geek Show! Now I know what you’re thinking: “Wait, ‘Super Awesome?’ How’d YOU get on THAT, Michael?”
You’ve got a lot of nerve, haven’t you? I’m not going to dignify that with an answer.
After a bit of talk about (of course) Zeus Is Dead and Booktrope, we geek out about other things like Farscape, Twin Peaks, and The Strain. Also cereal. Breakfast is important!
Have a listen here on the Super Awesome Geek Show site!
Oh, and a slight correction: Vanya is in Bulgaria, not Romania. My brain mixed her up geographically with Amalia Chitulescu, who designed the covers for A Shadow in the Flames and A Memory in the Black.
Sorry, Vanya!
Seattle Geekly Podcast
On August 24th I had the pleasure of meeting Shannon and Matt, two great local geek-types who host the popular Seattle Geekly podcast. I traveled to their studio in west Seattle to meet their feline interns and talk to them about Zeus Is Dead. Shannon also read and reviewed the book (and Matt’s now got it on his own reading list), and I’m happy to say she really liked it!
I mean just imagine how awkward things would’ve been if she’d thought it sucked, right?
You can listen to the podcast on the Seattle Geekly website here, or catch the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher…