Preorder now for cheap!
It’s nearly book release time! In less than a week, Memory of Dragons, my new contemporary fantasy set in modern Britain, will be released. This one has been a long time coming, so I’m super excited to finally let everyone read it. I’m so excited that I’m running a preorder special: Order Memory of Dragons for Kindle now, and you’ll lock in the 99 cent discount price and be ready to read the second it goes live (well, after a brief downloading time, I suppose) on June 15th.
Here’s a taste of what advance reviewers have said about Memory of Dragons:
“The novel is set in present day England and Wales which made such a nice change to most fantasy novels. I did have some reservations as to how this setting would work for a story involving magic and dragons but Munz expertly intertwined these two seemingly opposites. It brought the magic and otherworldly aspects to a more recognisable setting which is quite a unique feat.
The characters were likable and each had their own quirks, making them unique to this novel. Personally, however, the concept of this book was the star of the show and I loved the individuality to it. I also liked how well everything was explained and at no point was I confused with the plot or where it was going.”
-Alice and Her Bookshelf (read the full review here)
“I couldn’t put this book down from a chapter one- it has everything, love, magic, dragons and an epic battle to save the world. This book is a fast-paced, gripping ride where the author allows you to know the back story without lengthy explanations or descriptions and has plenty of twists and turns without straying too far from the plot and leaves you longing for more.”
-Goodreads review (read the full review here)
“I think this is an excellent book for those who enjoy both adult and YA fantasy. Munz successfully crafts a nice, easy to follow storyline that hosts elements fans of both genres will appreciate.”
-Goodreads review (read the full review here)