But the technology cannot yet create a snazzier logo. Sorry.
But the technology cannot yet create a snazzier logo. Sorry.
As those of you who’ve subscribed to my website mailing list already know, last week saw the first Geek Notes Giveaway contest. Only subscribers to the mailing list were eligible to enter, and I’m pleased to say that the winners were chosen last weekend. Congratulations to Mike and Joseph (winners of an e-copy of J.M. Guillen’s Rationality Zero), Linda and Herb (winners of an e-copy of Kenneth G. Bennett’s Exodus 2022), and Mary (winner of an autographed paperback of Exodus 2022)!
And yes, they have last names, but I mean it when I say that information given when subscribing to the list is not given out. In fact, some of them I don’t even know last names for myself…
Of course, since this was giveaway #1, that must mean that there will be a giveaway #2! (‘Cause I’m logical like that. I mean, ya know, sometimes.) Want to be eligible for the next giveaway? Be sure to sign up for the Geek Notes newsletter mailing list. You’ll even get a free copy of Mythed Connections right off the bat!