Honestly, the only thing I really remember about my first time watching this episode was that I was really sorry to see a certain character go. I don’t want to name that character here, as the first few lines of these posts can show up in previews on Facebook and Twitter and such, so I don’t want to inadvertently spoil anyone. It’s the character who gets a head wound, and gets to hear the Tibetan Book of the Dead. [Read more…]
Michael Re-Watches Twin Peaks: Season 2, Ep 8
My memory of this episode comes not from my original viewing, but one or two viewings later. Among the couple of people to whom I was showing the series to at the time was one woman who loved musicals, and absolutely loved Oklahoma. (The musical, not the state. Though maybe she loved the state as well. I never thought to ask.) She got very miffed at me for showing her something that forever sullied the song, “Surrey with the Fringe on Top.”
I have no regrets. 😀 [Read more…]