Warning: Movie may contain Time Lords.
Come with me if you want to see a better movie than Terminators 3 and 4!
Before I tell you exactly what I think of Terminator: Genisys, here’s my nutshell review of each movie in the series so far, so you know where I’m coming from:
An excellent sci-fi action movie teasing just on the edge of horror, and a true sci-fi classic. My favorite of the series.
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
An even wilder action ride, with a little more emotional depth, and ground-breaking F/X, though as time passes, I find I prefer the artistry of the first movie just a little bit more. (It’s a shame the trailer spoiled the biggest twist for most people.) Also the first R-rated movie I saw without permission. Sorry, Mom & Dad.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Not without its charm, and I did like the twist at the end, but ultimately forgettable.
Terminator Salvation
A disappointing, pandering waste of a film that I saw once and can no longer even really remember beyond the fact that, no sir, I did not like it. [Read more…]