It’s really weird how the Internet works sometimes. I’ve got a fairly strong Twitter presence (@TheWriteMunz). Twitter is great for me, since I tend to spout weird little things regardless of whether or not I’m on the Internet. Before I had Twitter, I’d just say these things to an empty apartment, text them out of the blue to confused friends, or just share them with random strangers on the bus. Some things I tweet expecting to get a great response, only to receive silence. Some little throw-away comments get far more attention than I thought. You really can’t tell.
Since I tweet for humor, often with fantasy/sci-fi angles (gotta keep up with the “branding” to fit in with my books, don’tcha know), I sometimes seize on a particular concept I like and then run it into the ground with it. Slogans for Soylent Green that tout its people content. Additional Asimov Laws of Robotics. #LittleKnownSciFiFacts (with “facts” used loosely). [Read more…]