Things are about wrapped up (though not quite) and we come to the all-important part of any epic quest story: the part where there is much celebrating, and everyone gets medals. In other words, it’s time for the twentieth chapter in Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian, a.k.a…
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian – Ch 19
It’s time for a climax, complete with leg-crushing statues, aquatic cavalry, and not one but two last-minute side switches. In other words, it’s time for the 19th chapter of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian…
We Trash the Eternal City
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian – Ch 18

Alternative chapter title: (Just, really, anything that doesn’t mention “parents” and “go commando.”)
Heads-up folks, I’m doing this one “live” as I read it, and I’m already frightened by the chapter title, Yep, it’s part eighteen of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian…
My Parents Go Commando
Things aren’t looking good at the start, here. Clarisse is locked in ice, wounded lay everywhere… But there is some bright spot of hope, because the party-ponies are gone! Yaaay! (Okay, so I guess that’s kind of a bad thing for Percy, but I’m looking at the silver lining here.) đ [Read more…]
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian – Ch 17
Percy calls for reinforcements, Rachel has a destiny, and Clarisse kicks the living snot out of everyone. In other words, it’s the seventeenth chapter in Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian, a.k.a…
I Sit on the Hot Seat
Holy Iliad! The parallels to Achilles in that tale are just bursting all over the place, aren’t they? (And I quite like it.) Silena’s theft of Clarisse’s armor in order to rally the troops and lead them into battle in her guise (clever Silena) is a clear parallel to Patroclus doing the same with Achilles’ armor. I’m ashamed to admit I hadn’t noticed that in the last chapter. Nonetheless, when she died (poor, clever Silena) and Clarisse went absolutely berserk with battle-rage, beat the holy crap out of the advancing army, and drove around dragging the drakon’s dead body behind her chariot, it became pretty clear, and pretty awesome. [Read more…]
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian – Ch 16
Riordan keeps killin’ people. It must be time for the sixteenth chapter of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian…
We Get Help from a Thief
So this chapter started out heroic, turned foreboding, and swung back to heroic with a punch in the face from our friend Tragedy. Let’s get to it, shall we? [Read more…]
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian – Ch 15
Pandemonium, ponies, and Pac-Man! That can only possibly mean that it’s time for the fifteenth chapter in Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian, a.k.a…
Chiron Throws a Party
I’m going stream-of-consciousness as I read for this one folks, so strap in! Immediately we’ve got giants ripping up trees in the park, dracaenae in Rockafellar Center, and I’m suddenly wondering: just how many sleeping mortals are getting trampled, burned, folded, spindled, or mutilated in all of this? And how many New York pigeons and rats? [Read more…]
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian – Ch 14
More answers, more troubles, and a gigantic flying sow I didn’t even know existed. Curious? Then it’s time for the fourteenth installment of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian…
Pigs Fly
So Percy gets a triple-vision this time as he goes to rest, but before I get there, I’d like to give Thalia a kudo or three for giving some sound, needed counsel to Percy at the start of the chapter: Don’t let what Prometheus said lead Percy to being soft on Luke. Despite his situation, Luke is responsible for the bad choices he’s made. After the last chapter’s parley set a bit uncertainty in both Percy and the reader (or at least, this reader), Thalia helps him to get grounded and refocused. [Read more…]