It’s a jailbreak! On Alcatraz! I’m going to try to resist making reference to one of my favorite action movies (the 1996 Nicholas Cage/Sean Connery action-fest known as The Rock) in this entry. (Though frankly, I won’t be trying very hard.) So let’s get continue Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Battle of the Labyrinth with the seventh chapter…
Movie Review: Hercules

Hercules: He’s just zis guy, ya know?
Okay, I’ll get this out of the way right at the front: This is NOT the movie the trailer advertises. If you want to see Hercules performing the Twelve Labors, if you want to see him fighting monsters, dealing with gods, and burning the heads off of a hydra, that’s not this movie. I’m confident in saying that 99% of the monster-fighting in the movie is shown in the trailer. Pretty much all of THAT is in flashback told via an unreliable narrator, and takes place within the first five minutes. Also: no gods. None. Zeus is mentioned. Hera gets a statue. That’s it. Essentially it’s yet another movie that decides to tell tales based on Classical mythology by stripping out 90% of the stuff that makes Classical mythology so interesting. [Read more…]