This episode kind of treads water in order to set some things up before. It avoids delving into just what the hell DID happen to Josie, but it does have some stuff with Major Briggs and elements of Lodge lore. In the interest of continuing to speed these along before the premiere Sunday, no more reminiscing! On we go! [Read more…]
Michael Re-Watches Twin Peaks: Season 2, Ep 16
You know, it’s strange. The first time I saw this episode (and the rest of the series), I really had no problem with Billy Zane’s character. I thought he was a good match for Audrey somehow, and–well, really, I don’t think I gave him all that much thought beyond that. Now, I find him bothersome. Not on Evelyn Marsh levels of bothersome, mind you. Not even James Hurley bothersome, but…somewhere around there. I’m not sure if it’s just that I’m older and more critical now, or if it’s that, the first time, I didn’t know where his story line would go, so there was, perhaps, more mystery and possibility about him. Knowing now that what we see is all we get, he’s just kind of blah and annoyingly suave.
John Justice Wheeler could almost be an author-insert/Mary Sue character. Maybe that’s what bothers me. Does the guy HAVE any faults? [Read more…]
Michael Re-Watches Twin Peaks: Season 2, Ep 15
On we continue with our headlong rush through the woods to what until just a little while ago was considered the series finale of Twin Peaks! But first, we gotta polish off that whole Evelyn Marsh thing…
The Re-Watch
Watch in horror as I squish down an entire episode into only a few sentences and images! [Read more…]
Michael Re-Watches Twin Peaks: Season 2, Ep 14
Okay, it’s getting down to the wire here. Three days away to the premiere. So I’m kicking it up a notch! Michael Re-Watches Twin Peaks…turbo edition! [Read more…]
Michael Re-Watches Twin Peaks: Season 2, Ep 13
Confession time: When he was showing the series to me, Nick made a joke that I have since stolen and used each and every time I showed it to someone else. When Jean Renault is shot and collapses dead on the floor of Dead Dog Farm, Nick joked, “Next episode, Pierre Renault shows up! ‘You keel mah three brothers…”
So, there it is.
Four more days until the revival premieres, so let’s get this one going! [Read more…]
Michael Re-Watches Twin Peaks: Season 2, Ep 12
In this stretch of the second season, my memories of my original viewing are quite thin at this point. The only thing I think I remember is Nick having a minor thing for the widow Milford.
I do have this to share, however: When Ben is talking to Bobby, he asks him what’s the first question that comes to mind when looking up at a skyscraper. Ben’s answer: “Who’s on the top floor?” My own internal answer to that question–and hey, looks like I do remember a little more from the first time!–has always been, “Who built it?” Since then, that question has always struck me as being a good one for fleshing out a character. How would they answer such a question? How would Daenerys Targaryen answer it? Jean Valjean? Captain Kirk? I deliberately used this one myself in A Shadow in the Flames when Michael Flynn is looking up at a skyscraper. (The question was only implied, as I was writing from his point of view at the time, but it was on my mind. And how much do I wish lately that I’d named that character something else?)
But hey, this post is about Twin Peaks, huh? [Read more…]
Michael Re-Watches Twin Peaks: Season 2, Ep 11
As much as I dislike loathe the rest of James Hurley’s story for the rest of the season, I admit I still get a kick out of this episode’s long opening shot of him just riding his bike. Since my first ever viewing, I’ve always found myself grinning, possibly just from the sheer length of the scene. It goes on…and on…riding from a standard TV moment into something that stretches toward absurdity.
You know, I’d have loved it if the only thing the show did with James for the rest of the season was to just cut back to him riding on various roads like this for 30 seconds or so, using the exact same music each time, before cutting back to events back in Twin Peaks. Wouldn’t that have been awesome? Or at least, ya know, preferable? [Read more…]
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