An unspoiled pop-culture canvas!
Okay, everyone, I’ve been alerted to the presence of the white whale. No, strike that, it’s not strong enough. This is the geek equivalent of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster having a bath in the Fountain of Youth.
There exists on the Interwebs a young man named Jeremy (age 19) who identifies as a gamer and “would-be geek” who has never seen Star Wars. He’s never seen Raiders of the Lost Ark. Alien. Terminator. The Princess Bride. Ghostbusters. Any of the quotable movies from geek culture of the past 35 years, heĀ has not seen.

Now I know, you probably called bull#*@& midway through the last paragraph, but it’s true! Apparently he grew up somewhere in Canada with his grandparents, a minimal Internet connection, and very little television access. The grandfather only liked old movies and the grandmother only liked musicals. For most of his life he’s been an athlete and an avid tabletop gamer.
“…those hobbies took up a lot of time; I wouldn’t have passed them up for anything.”