Geeks Unleashed Book Club
Guess what?
Um, no. Guess again. …No. No, that’s completely not correct. (And, also, eww.)
Okay, guessing time is over. Tomorrow (also known as Saturday, October 11th) at 7pm PST, I’ve got the pleasure of being this month’s featured guest on Geek Bomb’s Geeks Unleashed Book Club!
8-bit Twin Peaks Intro
I came across this on GeeksAreSexy and, being a Twin Peaks fanatic (did you know I graduated from Snohomish High School, which was used in filming Fire Walk With Me?), not to mention a gamer who lived through the 8-bit era, I thought this video from Filthy Frackers was worth sharing…
Suppose donuts give you magical FBI-powers? I bet the Black Lodge level is a pain in the neck…
Top 5 List: Star Trek Exclamations
Once more it’s time for another geek-related Top 5 List! In honor of the Star Trek Las Vegas Convention (STLV) going on as I type this (which I am not attending but certain friend-types of mine are–one of whom is at some point painting another of whom green at some point), today’s list is going to be…
Top Five Star Trek Exclamations
Shouting these lines of Trek dialogue are guaranteed to result in cheers from those in the know, and strange, confused, and possibly frightened looks from those who aren’t. You may also get some envious stares as those who wish they were bold enough to shout them look on and wonder why they don’t have your guts. Maybe you’ll even meet your future wife/husband this way when they see you share a common love of Trek. You never know. So, as usual, in no particular order… [Read more…]
2nd Zeus Is Dead feature: Ares!
The second behind-the-book featurette for Zeus Is Dead: A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure is now up on YouTube. This time it’s a quick profile of one of the book’s characters: Ares, god of war, chaos, and general jackassery.
The video is embedded below, but first I want to share one of the character quote graphics that my manager at Booktrope (my publisher) has created. There will be more to come. Please feel free to post and tweet the graphic wherever you like!
And now, the video. Be sure to subscribe to get advanced notice when the next one comes out, or subscribe to my YouTube channel…
Missed the first featurette? Check it out here…
Less than a week before the release!!!
Star Wars trailer done Guardians of the Galaxy style…
While I’m still not sure what to make of the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy, I do like this.
Quite a bit.
[From The Unusual Suspect, who also did one for the prequels, and other stuff…]