Well, it’s midday on Sunday, May 21st, and I’ve decided to admit to myself that I just don’t have enough time to get the remaining three episodes of season two both watched and posted about before the revival series premieres tonight at 9pm. I might have made it if I weren’t having some other fans over to watch (complete with donuts, coffee, and cherry pie), but the premiere must be watched properly.
I’ll still be re-watching the last few episodes–I’ll probably rush-post the first two, and then do a more in-depth post about the finale and my kooky theories about what actually happened in those Red Room scenes–but that won’t happen until later this week. That said, I promise no spoilers for the revival series whatsoever will be posted here without massive, massive quantities of warning so you can avoid them if you need to.
In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a few fun Twin Peaks images either made by me or by others. Well, mostly by others. I only did the final one…
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