So I’ve finally got a little bit of breathing room in working with my Booktrope team toward getting Zeus is Dead: A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure ready for publication. That means it’s time for another geek-related Top 5. This time…
Note that this is for supporting characters. So there will be no Samus, no JC Denton, no Commander Shepard (just her favorite supporting character on the Citadel). This will be rather biased on the side of computer games as well, because my time as a console gamer is far more limited. I’ve been playing PC games since 1990, but my console experience is only limited to the original NES and the PS3 which I only got a few months ago.
And, as always, the list is in no particular order due to my complete inability to rank favorites.
(Knights of the Old Republic series)
(Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal)
(Mass Effect series)
(Monkey Island series)
“Oh SURE! I know a LOT about lifting curses! That’s why I’m a disembodied talking skull, hanging on a spike, in the middle of a SWAMP!”
(Portal series)
(Because five wasn’t enough, but six is, today.)
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