NOTE: The Launch Team is now full and closed. Thanks to everyone who responded!
You can still read Chapter One online, and get access to Chapter Two by subscribing to the mailing list!
As I’m sure many of you already know (and, really, how is it you could be on my blog and NOT know?), my upcoming novel — a comedic contemporary fantasy titled Zeus Is Dead: A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure — will be released on July 21st. I am looking for people who are interested in being a part of an exclusive social marketing team dedicated to providing feedback and helping spread the word about Zeus Is Dead. Your feedback is invaluable and I’m hoping you’re interested in joining the team.
“A hilarious mythological tale of god-like proportions. Munz has crafted a tale of bizarro comic fantasy that sits comfortably among the ilk of Gaiman and Pratchett.” —Andrew Buckley, author of Death, the Devil, and the Goldfish
As a member of the launch team, you’ll receive an electronic edition of the book before it’s available to the public and have access to me and all of Team Zeus Is Dead (ooh, doesn’t that sound all official and exciting?) via a private Facebook group. In return, all I ask is that you leave a short, honest review of Zeus Is Dead on Amazon no later than 7/26/2014, share the release date and your feedback with as many people as you can, and provide any ideas you might have via the private Facebook page on how to reach a wider audience.
Edit: As mentioned above, the launch team is now full. Thanks to everyone for your interest!
Thanks in advance for your help! Your support is greatly appreciated!
Alex says
Okay, I will read and review!
Michael G. Munz says
Thanks, Alex! Is the email on your website accurate? I’ll contact you via that this weekend once everything is set-up.
John Dobson says
I’m always looking for new authors to try, I’ll review it for you
Grant Anderson says
Hey there, I would love to read and give you a review on this. Let me know if you still need people.