In Zeus Is Dead: A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure, the Olympian gods have returned to public life following the assassination of Zeus, the former king of the gods. Now they’re reveling in their new temples, casinos, and media empires! Some of them even have accounts on Twitter! See below for a list of those “mythological” figures whose accounts have been confirmed, and watch for the comedic contemporary fantasy Zeus Is Dead: A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure, coming to paperback and ebook July 21, 2014!
Apollo (@SunlightArcher):
God of the sun as well as medicine and healing. Also music, poetry, prophecy, and light. Plus archery, gelatin desserts, and a few other things. Nicknamed “the multipurpose god” by his twin sister Artemis.
God of the sun as well as medicine and healing. Also music, poetry, prophecy, and light. Plus archery, gelatin desserts, and a few other things. Nicknamed “the multipurpose god” by his twin sister Artemis.
Ares (@AresKicksAss):
Son of Zeus and Hera. God of war and strife. Involved in a millennia-long affair with Aphrodite. Shoots first, asks questions only if drunk.
Son of Zeus and Hera. God of war and strife. Involved in a millennia-long affair with Aphrodite. Shoots first, asks questions only if drunk.
Thalia (@MuseThalia1):
One of the nine Muses. Responsible for inspiring comedy, science fiction, and poems about farming.
One of the nine Muses. Responsible for inspiring comedy, science fiction, and poems about farming.
Avatar for Thalia used with permission from DGPhotographyJax.
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