Big news! I’m excited!
Zeus Is Dead: A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure now has an official cover!
What’s that you say? What’s it look like? Well, to quote Bill Cosby quoting Noah: “I can’t tell you. Ha ha ha ha ha.”
Well, okay, that’s just mean. I want to show you! I want to tell you! But I can’t. Not just yet. But soon!
Wednesday, June 11th, to be exact. At noon, Pacific Standard Time, we’ll reveal the front cover for my comedic contemporary fantasy set in a world where reality TV heroes kill harpies in northern California and the Greek gods have their own Twitter feeds.
But wait, there’s more! (You probably figured that out already, what with all the other text below this, huh?) Are you familiar with Goodreads, the fantasti-huge site for readers, book reviews, and general book-related awesomeness? (It’s like Facebook for books, but, ya know, good!) Well, if 40 people add Zeus Is Dead to their “to read” bookshelf by June 11th (click that link to to the book’s Goodreads page and click the “Want to Read” button), I’ll release online an exclusive chapter from the book!
I need your help to get the word out, so please tell your friends! Heck, tell your enemies! (And that woman you always see at the grocery store with whom you can’t think of a good way to start a conversation? Now you have a way!) Add the book to your to-read shelves! Why am I using so many exclamation points?! Because I’m excited!
By the way, here’s what author Jonathan Charles Bruce had to say about Zeus Is Dead after reading an advance copy:
Delivering us from a sea of endlessly morose and self-important supernatural fiction, Zeus Is Dead understands that Greek mythology is more than a little bit insane and—rather than ignore the unseemly aspects—embraces them with the appropriate level of snark and style. Munz’s tale echoes the bureaucratic insanity of Douglas Adam’s creations, the banter of Grant and Naylor’s Red Dwarf, and the grudging cynicism of Ben Croshaw in order to bring us a clever, hilarious tale of adventure and grudging heroism.
I guess what I’m saying is that unless you really like your supernatural fiction all mopey and dull, you’ll find something to love here.
I quite like the cover (designed by artist Greg Simanson at Booktrope Publishing). I can’t wait to show it to you!
[…] Warning: This review WILL have spoilers. I came into this movie without knowing hardly anything about it (except, ya know, it’s GODZILLA), and I would’ve hated to have certain knowledge ahead of time. For those not wanting spoilers, I’ll just say that I really enjoyed it, it’s far, far better than the last time Americans made a Godzilla movie, and if you think it’s at all up your alley, I recommend you see it. Now go off and read some other non-spoilery stuff on this blog, like things about my upcoming book Zeus Is Dead! […]