Are you in the Seattle area? (Or even somewhere else with a burning desire to fly out to Seattle because what the heck why not and life is short?) Want to listen to me read from A Memory in the Black? Want to eat free cookies?? Then hold on to your butts, because May 28th just may be your lucky day…

May 28th, 7pm, at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park
Like I said, I’ll be reading from A Memory in the Black, the second novel in my sci-fi/cyberpunk series, in honor of its recent Booktrope re-release. Joining me will be fellow author (and recent Guest Geek) Camela Thompson, who will give you a taste of her supernatural thriller Blood, Spirit, & Bone, the latest novel in The Hunted series. And do you see that Space Needle made of bone tucked away on the cover of her first book there? It’s set in Seattle!