Zeus Is Dead: A Monstrously Inconvenient Adventure, written by a geek for geeks, took a trip (without me!) to the Star Trek Las Vegas convention last weekend. I present to you conclusive proof that the novel is accepted by geeks throughout the Alpha Quadrant:

Well, conclusive proof from a sample of one Orion woman and one bearded Starfleet commander. But that’s infinitely more Orion endorsements than Tolstoy ever got!
“Zeus Is Dead is full of laugh-out-loud moments, lashings of sly wit, moan-worthy puns, and a complex, fast-paced storyline. There aren’t very many humorous fantasy murder mysteries out there, especially not as intricately constructed as this one. Michael G. Munz takes a ‘What if,’ and runs with it like a toddler with Mom’s smart phone. The guffaw-worthy throwaway bits will remind you of Douglas Adams. A very enjoyable read.”
-Jody Lynn Nye, author of View from the Imperium and co-author of the Myth Adventures of Aahz and Skeeve