A strangely-named mystery girl, goddesses in elevators, and the return of sea-cattle! That’s right, it’s the dam fourteenth chapter of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse, a.k.a…
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse – Ch 13

It’s bad luck to go into the thirteenth chapter when there’s a prophecy of loss waiting to be fulfilled…
So it turns out that Bianca’s older than she looks, we meet another goddess (woo-hoo!), and a colossal junkyard throw-down leads to another aspect of the prophecy being fulfilled. All this, plus I get nitpicky in the thirteenth chapter of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse…
We Visit the Junkyard of the Gods
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse – Ch 12

Riordan certainly is making a Herculean effort in writing The Titan’s Curse!
(I’m not Apollogizing for that pun. …Or that one.)
The Apollo-train runs out of juice, the Erymanthian Boar shows up, and it’s not even the least of their problems. All this and a LOT of haiku on the twelfth installment of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse…
I Go Snowboarding With A Pig
Inspired by Apollo’s efforts earlier in this book, I have decided to review this chapter entirely in haiku! Think you can take it? Brace yourself, because ready or not, here we go!
Hey, those last two sentences were a haiku. Cool. 😉 [Read more…]
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse – Ch 11
An escape through a subway that doesn’t exist, boarding a train car of cars, and Percy earns my praise and ire in the span of a few paragraphs. In other words, it’s time for the 11th chapter in Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse…
Grover Gets a Lamborghini
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse – Ch 10
Lions, spacecraft, and spears: Oh, my! All this and an Order of the Stick reference (from me, I mean, not in the book) in a speedy little chapter known as part 10 of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse…
I Break a Few Rocket Ships
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse – Ch 9

Hey, does Percy run afoul of the titular Titan’s curse at the end of this chapter, or is that still to come?
Some character development for Dionysus, Percy visits Washington D.C., and we meet in person the Titan that I’m still betting is Atlas. Oh, and Percy’s in mortal danger. Or demigod danger. Or something. Also, kittens. All this and more in the ninth chapter of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse…
I Learn How to Grow Zombies
Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse – Ch 8
This chapter felt really, really short. So that’s pretty much my introduction. All this and a teensy bit more in the eight chapter of Michael Reads Percy Jackson: The Titan’s Curse, a.k.a…