Once more it’s time for another geek-related Top 5 List! In honor of the Star Trek Las Vegas Convention (STLV) going on as I type this (which I am not attending but certain friend-types of mine are–one of whom is at some point painting another of whom green at some point), today’s list is going to be…
Top Five Star Trek Exclamations
Shouting these lines of Trek dialogue are guaranteed to result in cheers from those in the know, and strange, confused, and possibly frightened looks from those who aren’t. You may also get some envious stares as those who wish they were bold enough to shout them look on and wonder why they don’t have your guts. Maybe you’ll even meet your future wife/husband this way when they see you share a common love of Trek. You never know. So, as usual, in no particular order… [Read more…]